2015 Camp Theme Song: Stand Firm 站立得稳
Click Here for Stand Firm English mp3
Click Here for Stand Firm Chinese 站立得稳 mp3
Click Here for Stand Firm Minus-One mp3
Click Here for Lyrics in PDF & DOCX
Stand Firm Capo 1
I want to live my life just for You 我一生只要为你而活
Doesn't matter what the world might say 不论世界会怎么说
I know I need to offer up all for you 我需要为你放下我所有
For Your glory I will gladly do 我愿顺服为了荣耀你圣名
Your love beckons me to follow You 你的爱 呼招我跟随你
With a cross on this narrow road 背着十字架在窄路行
Thy face oh Lord I will humbly seek 主啊我要不断寻求你
Holy Spirit, help me when I‘m weak 软弱时 圣灵必赐我能力
You are awesome, almighty, glorified 你是伟大荣耀全能神
Victory is yours, no matter day or night 你已得胜直到永远
You're the light, my saviour, and my king 你是真光,我救主与君王
All the glory to your name I will bring 我将一切荣耀归于你圣名
Through Christ I will overcome 靠主我必得胜
Never give up before the fight is done 决不退后我必忠心
Your presence drives away dismay 所有忧虑因你而消失
For your promises are here to stay 因你应许永远不落空
Firm like a rock, my soul stands on thee 因你是我 坚固磐石
Rejecting all, the rest are not for me 除你以外 别无所求
Stand firm in Christ, He will defend 站立得稳 主必保守
All other ground is sinking sand 其它所有 全是沙土
On Christ the solid rock I stand 立在基督磐石坚固
All other ground is sinking sand 其余根基全是沙土
All other ground is sinking sand 其余根基全是沙土